Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween @ The Cellar!

Just your typical night at The Cellar Bar.............. Ok, no actually this night was definitely a scary one! haha Everyone dressed up and the costumes were great, overall a very successful Halloween party, but you don't have to take my word for it... *

* that might be trademark to Lavare Burton from Reading Rainbow.. hahaha

By the way, I think these pictures go from the end to the beginning of the night, so a little backwards.. haha

Brothers! - Both representing music, very different music :)

At some point in the night I think Christopher went from scary lumber jack to chip and dale dancer? ha

Above is the Creepy Joker

Andrew and I busting out some Pretzel dancing, we are extremly good and get better with each drink!

hmmmmmm hahaha
Garth Brooks

Even Creepier Joker

Above is the Russian making German Drinks.. haha