Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Cellar Bar is BACK!

Well, it has been a wonderfully fun Summer, but since we had a first Snow this weekend, it was officially time to open the Cellar Bar! We started off Friday night with a warm up pre party, had some of the regulars and some of the Gals from the FAC. We regretfully forgot to take pictures that night, but what else are pre parties for? To figure out the kinks before the Party on Saturday! Saturday we had the Pajama Pant/Wes's Birthday Party- Why Pajama pants? I don't know. Ha- It was a thought that came during the PreParty, and everyone agreed it sounded good, the only person who didn't get the PJ pant Memo was the Birthday Boy! Oh well, it was his Birthday, so he got to rock a stylin' look! This next weekend is coming up quickly and we have yet to come up with any themes for a Cellar Bar party, I'm sure there will be some and we will definately be open!

Anyway, here are the pictures, they sum up the evening way better than I ever could!

(Also a HUGE thanks to Christopher, Our official Camera Man, Thanks for the Great Pics!)

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